Day 1


DAY 1 as a Non-Smoker

Now…..on day 1 as a non-smoker, I want you to do this…..

Day 1

 Personal Quit Smoking 21 Day Support Program






A glass of Water can work wonders!

Today, this is very important.

instead of smoking, can I ask you to drink a glass of pure water instead?

But I want you to drink it in a special way.

Pour it out slowly and …….as you are doing that, realize the GREAT CHANGE you have made in your life.

Yesterday you were putting……………..

  • And AGING…..into your body


Yesterday, you were killing yourself.

Today, you will be enjoying the EXACT opposite.

Now, slowly start to drink the water ……and as you do, celebrate this huge difference you have made to your life.

Now imagine this……really visualise this………

Clean, pure, life-giving WATER……. washing through your body……… CLEANING away and……..DISSOLVING ALL the damage you have done to your body.


Imagine it WASHING away the FALSE belief that you think that you NEED to smoke TO BE HAPPY.

Let it wash away the false idea that you need cigarettes to cope.

You don’t.

You got on perfectly fine BEFORE you started to smoke.

Didn't you??


Really imagine…..

Now take the next step.

And start to F-E-E-L the goodness of the water, the PURE ENERGY of the water adding real sparkle, vitality, renewal and LIFE to your whole body…


  • To your eyes
  • Your skin
  • Your hair
  • Your bones
  • Your muscles
  • ….To your entire body.


Simply enjoy!



A Special Bath/ Shower!

As well as drinking lots of water, try to take a 'special’ bath or shower everyday.

When you're relaxing in the bath, imagine the water of the bath achieving all the same results……

Imagine the water seeping deep into every cell and organ of your body……

  • HEALING……..
  • AND RENEWING……. your body……


Literally restoring it to the condition it was before you started to smoke !

Really imagine this.

Imagine the old, black, tarry decaying color of your old smoking addiction being dislodged and released from every part of your body ……and being sucked away forever into the plughole.






Today is a GREAT day.

A Great Day !

You have truly CHANGED your life TODAY.

Truly CHANGED it.

You have taken A GIANT STEP.

One of the most important of your life, health-wise.

And, yes today……. Your mind will be on OVERDRIVE.

It will be telling you all the usual lies….

This is going to be terrible. You’ll never get through it. You are going to feel terrible.
And every day from now on will be the same.

It will go on, whispering to you….

That you’ll never enjoy yourself again. That your days of pleasure are gone. That you’ll never cope.

Today, EXPECT to have ALL these thoughts.

They are no big deal.

Yes, you are going to FEEL uncomfortable today.

Yes, now and then during the day, you are going to FEEL :


Deep in your body, you are going to FEEL the DESIRE to smoke again and again.

And sometimes during the day, it may all seem pointless.



But today, never forget, — NEVER FORGET these cravings to smoke, although they SEEM all powerful now – are ONLY TEMPORARY.



Soon these cravings will be gone forever, but for now, we must EXPECT to have them and literally learn to get 'comfortable with our ‘discomfort’.

In fact, it's the great paradox: When you start not to mind them, TO STOP MAKING A BIG DEAL OUT OF THEM – soon they won't be bothered and will simply disappear.


It is your fear of them that is giving them their energy, their life.



The Past Is Gone

When you stop smoking today, in many ways, it will feel like a death to-day.

However, you could say it is more of a 'positive' death, or to be more accurate -a REBIRTH.

In truth, most of us regard smoking as an 'old friend' – someone who was always there for us – in good times and bad.

And now that it is gone – yes, for a while, we will FEEL

  • Lonely
  • Sad
  • Depressed
  • And empty


But these are ALL temporary feelings of regret.  They are OK to feel.

They will PASS and you will experience a NEW DAWN – a new beginning.


You could say you're going through a 'mourning phrase' – so it is perfectly NORMAL  what you are now feeling.

So don't worry if you feel like this over the next few days.

Everybody does.

However, the main thing to remember is that THIS DOES PASS.


A Witch

Also never forget TODAY that smoking was never a 'real friend'.

It was, as one of our students once said, …….really a 'wicked witch, full of disease and death disguised as a 'great friend'.


There is great TRUTH behind that metaphor. 

All day today, I want you to remind yourself again and again of all the reasons why you are glad you are now a non-smoker:.

Realize NOW, as a non-smoker,  you are FREE of all of this:

  • The permanently stale breath
  • The morning-phlegm cough
  • The nicotine-stained teeth
  • The shorter life expectancy
  • The stained fingers
  • The constant financial drain
  • The various health problems
  • The poor role model for your kids
  • The dirty ashtrays
  • The bland-tasting food
  • And the smelly clothes.


Now, stand up ….and slowly repeat all these benefits to yourself.


Shout them out! Dance about!

Get really EXCITED about them. 

Do this four or five times every day this week.

Really get EMOTIONAL and EXCITED as you reflect on all these benefits that are now yours.

Well done!

If you have any questions about what we have talked about today, please contact me today.

Don't forget reading keep our full Quit smoking course.

I'll speak to you more  tomorrow………..Day 2

John Ryan

The above is DAY 1 of our  Our 21 day Email Program.  Each morning, when you donate -you will receive this personal e-mail from me.
It will tell you exactly what you have to do that day to make quitting smoking easy and enjoyable for you.
