Steps to Quit Smoking

How to Change Your beliefs about smoking?  Steps to quit smoking


It's easy.

You are doing it now-The first steps to quit smoking is  by reading and re-reading this course.

That's why I keep mentioning the same ideas to you all the time  – as you go through this course.

I'm changing how you think about smoking.

I'm changing your beliefs about smoking – naturally, effortlessly!. giving you the steps to quit smoking naturally.

Psychologists now believe we need to hear something at least twenty-one times before it begins to register in our subconscious.

So by simply reading this course again ang again ( and listening to our quit smoking tape)- and spending quality time REALLY thinking and reflecting on all the new ideas in this course – you will be automatically and effortlessly changing all your core beliefs about smoking – as you go through the course!


Reading all these lessons just once and then forgetting
about them is no good.

You must think about them.

Spend time on them.

Reflect on them. 

Don't force yourself to believe the conclusion they reach ……These are the steps to quit smoking successfully.

…………but you must be willing to at least consider them as a possibility

Then you must be willing to apply the techniques described here in your life…….

……….. with an open mind so that you can test their effectiveness for yourselves


