Everything you need to quit smoking is on our website………..
Our 'How to Enjoy Quit smoking' Service is free to everybody along with the expert help of our team of dedicated Quit Smokers Advisors.
Each of our Advisors has successfully ENJOYED quitting smoking using our unique approach – so you can use their personal knowledge and expertise over the next few weeks as you quit smoking forever..
Our service is financed totally through donations…….and if you donate today……you can now download all the following free quit smoking tools……………
Donate today………….

You can instantly download the print-friendly, e-book version of our online course, 'How to Enjoy Quit Smoking'.
You can now print it out- and study it anywhere- at anytime! You can write, make notes on it and underline for yourself, all the most important points.
You can also download my new MP3 Player file, below – so that I can speak to you every night, explaining again and again the very simple core principles of how to enjoy giving up smoking.
When you listen to the tape, I want you to go into a relaxed mood and just pretend I'm there talking personally to you everynight !
Our new MP3 file, 'How to enjoy quit smoking' .All you have to do is Instantly
download the file onto your computer or ipod, relax, plug your earphones in and listen………